Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Art Of Buttercream.

Have you Tried to make your own frosting yet? No???! What are you waiting for!? The difference between home made and storebought buttercream are like night and day. I can't make buttercream, you say in your head. I am no baker. HAH! I bet my right foot that YOU can make a killer buttercream, AND do it in less time than it takes to drag your lil' ones out of the house and to the grocer to but that sludge in a tub! Have faith. You will kick yourself once you realize how easy it is!

The first thing you need is a standard recipe. There are many variations out there. Some use milk, some heavy cream, heck, some even use liquer! It is all preference. Here is the recipe that I always use. I like it because it is stable, reliable and best of all, EASY!

Vanilla Buttercream:
2 sticks of butter (room temp)
4-5 cups of sifted powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1-2tbsp Light cream

Thats it. Thats all you need to make your cousin Tanya jealous that everyone likes YOUR cake better than hers. There are a few simple steps that you should follow to make the best ol' buttercream this side of the Connecticut river.

  • Place your butter in the mixer (or bowl with a hand mixer!) and beat until smooth and light. Usually about 2-4 minutes.
  • Add sifted (make sure you sift it or people will be laughing at your lovely frosting bumps!) powdered sugar. Start with four cups and turn your mixer on VERY slowly or you will look like you just powdered your nose.
  • Add vanilla and light cream. Now you can slowly turn the speed up and beat until light and fluffy. This is the part where you decide what concistency you prefer. If you like a smooth, silky buttercream, this should do it for you. If you are like me and like a stiffer, more fluffy buttercream (good for icing cakes) you will want to add that other cup of powdered sugar and beat until incorporated.
Thats it. How easy is that? The best part is, there aren't those odd ingredients that you would never find at someones house. Now, lick the paddle and pat yourself on the back! (Not at the same time, that could be messy)